Condos represent a more appropriate living situation for many people in terms of size and convenience. However, just as with any home, those who inhabit it will likely want to complete some renovations on the property. Luckily, it is possible to remodel a condo, especially with the help of a highly rated design and build firm. Still, there are some differences in how one renovates a condo as opposed to a more traditional house, and knowing these differences can help you successfully navigate your renovation project. If you are considering renovating a condo, read this guide, which shares tips to help you complete the undertaking.
What is Remodeling?
To begin, we must clarify the difference between remodeling and renovation. Remodeling refers to changes made to the basic layout of a structure, whereas renovation refers to the practice of updating that existing structure through aesthetic or functional changes. In other words, remodels focus on adding new attributes to a structure, and renovations focus on making the old features of a structure feel like new. Renovations are often much simpler to enact because they usually do not require structural changes. That being said, despite the extra planning involved, remodeling is also a commonly undergone practice.
Can You Remodel a Condo?
You can remodel a condo and will be glad to know that many condo owners have done the same. Nevertheless, there are key differences between remodeling a condo and remodeling a more traditional house that condo owners must be aware of. Some of these differences can have a profound impact on your remodeling process. Below, we share things to consider before you begin your condo remodel.
Communicate With the Board
One of the main distinctions between remodeling a condo and remodeling a traditional home is that when remodeling a condo, you will likely need to communicate with the condo board that governs the property. Communicating with your board is an essential part of the condo remodeling process, as your board will likely have a policy regarding the kind of changes you are can make to the building.
The nature of these conditions will be unique to the property that you are attempting to make changes to, so you must reach out to your board for specifics. The purpose of these policies is generally to keep the changes made to your property within the bounds of what your neighbors would consider acceptable and ensure that the building remains structurally sound and complies with local regulations.
Understand the Purpose of Your Remodel
An additional element to keep in mind when you are attempting to remodel your condo is the overall purpose or vision of the remodel. Are you trying to remove a wall to make the condo feel more open? Or are you considering adding another room so everything has its own space? Is this a living space that you will inhabit, or are you going to attempt to sell or rent your property in the near future?
Understanding the aesthetic and functional goals of your remodel will ensure that any changes you make are well thought out and necessary. In turn, this will increase the likelihood that you consider your condo remodel a success.
Think About Your Space
Another essential element to consider when remodeling your condominium is some of the inherent limitations of the space. The shared quality of condos means that there may be tight squeezes and odd angles to work around in your remodel, so you need to examine and be aware of these before beginning and planning for your project.
One bright side to this is that most condos are relatively new developments. This quality means that you likely will not need to make the same concessions that someone with a historic house might need to when they draw up their own plans for remodeling.
Consider Building Up
When you remodel a condo, you typically deal with less space than someone with a house. One effective strategy that others have implemented to overcome this complication has been to build up rather than out in their condos. This strategy usually allows a remodeler to achieve their goals for the project despite the limited space available. Building up can also spare them some of the hassle of alterations, like tearing down walls, that an individual must grapple with when attempts to build out.
Keep a Flexible Attitude
Remodeling a condo can present many challenges, so it can be very helpful to keep a positive mindset and stay flexible. All renovations come with some ups and downs. Still, if you make an effort to navigate the process with optimism, you will be less affected by any issues that arise.
Your Allies in Interior Remodeling
RND Builders, Inc. is dedicated to offering customers the highest quality remodeling services available. If you are interested in remodeling your condo, contact our team today to discuss our interior modeling services.